
ITL Nymphaea 'Anne Emmett'

Petals are chartreuse half-way up and then shade to a light blue. USDA ZONES 8-11

ITL Nymphaea 'Anne Emmett'
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ITL Nymphaea 'Anne Emmett'
Average rating:
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ITL Nymphaea 'Anne Emmett'
average rating 100%
Cool Weather winners
By Charles Leach
The summer and fall of 2013 were abnormally cool here in southern Ohio with nighttime temperatures as low as 50°F well into July and returning in mid August. By mid July we had no choice but to put our tropicals outside and let them shiver through or die.

We bought Nymphaea Madam Waska, Nymphaea Colorado and Anne Emmet to infuse their DNA into our efforts to hybridize tropical water Lilies. The plants received were excellent but the best thing about them was that Anne Emmet and Colorata thrived in in ground pools where water temperature often dropped below 60° F and Madam Ganna Walska thrived in an above ground tub in which water temperature dropped as low as 54°F. Added to that both Anne Emmet and Madam Ganna Walska produced viable seeds

This is really impressive in a year when most purchased known varieties in our collection, even in the in ground pools, died or struggled to survive. These beauties, along with most of our own northern born bred tropicals thrived.

Charles Leach

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ITL Nymphaea 'Anne Emmett'

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