More InfoAs mentioned before, this is the most recently named water lily, having been described offically in 2006. I first encountered it in 2003 the greenhouse of the man who discovered it in Madagascar, Ivan Noziac, of Australia. He had it in a small aquarium on th efloor, in shade. He told us about how he had found it and had grown it for some time. Each of us, my travelling companion and myself, got a few seeds or tubers to take home with us. My friend succeeded with it and has bloomed it in various locations, including aquariums and ponds. I failed miserably with it, finding that Ivan was right about the sun issue. But then, this past winter, I got some seeds from my friend and planted them in a tray , nursed them along,and now have several to offer. I have bloomed it in 10 inches of water and in 1/2 inch of water. It will tolerate some sun, but does not appreciate full sun. It is a charming little thing that can naturalize in the right pond, springing up at odd intervals. You will definately be the only one on the block with this plant. The plants are small, but vigorous. ReviewsITL Nymphaea minuta
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ITL Nymphaea minuta
I am growing this plant in a two gallon glass tank (12inx8inx6.5in) in a bright East facing windowsill with about a half day of direct sun. It is snowing outside & the plant appears to be resting. Not losing leaves but not blooming. It has given me about a dozen blooms this summer. It sets seed heavily whenever I let it. There are germinated seeds floating around even now. Plain rich garden soil & frequent Jobe's Spikes in a 4in non perforated pot. Put a layer of sand over the soil. Am running about 2in of water over the crown. Use distilled water if you get white mineral deposits on the leaves. I change the water whenever the algae is too thick for my taste. Had trouble at first with too many snails from natural creek water. Very pleased. Expecting it to continue indefinitely. Using an aquarium heater now that the cold weather is here. If apartment living has thwarted your wish to have a water lily I suggest you try this plant. You couldn't grow any other Water Lily on a windowsill.
ITL Nymphaea minuta
It fits anywhere! Still pretty cold tolerant for a tropical (comparable to viviparous lilies). Even if it is to cold, it is easy to move such a tiny plant indoors to an aquarium. Flowers are cute and smell as nice as any bigger lily. For those who like a "prehistoric appeal"... The flowers are primitive and the anthers almost look like petals. Perfect for tub water gardens. Ideal for an apartment dweller who has never grown a lily or doesn't have room for a pond. Also good as filler on fringes of a pond too shallow for bigger lilies. It self pollinates so every single flower will make numerous seeds of high germination rates. Seeds grow explosively when started on moist land with air exposure(like Nymphaea thermarum). After a few leaves are made, the seedlings can be placed into water.
ITL Nymphaea minuta
They are all doing well and I enjoy seeing them, tho I think tadpoles would have been ok to have shipped with them since they arrived the very next day. I may possibly have some tree frogs any way now since I could swear I have been hearing spring peepers lately. Do they some times peep in summer? Sorry I didn't answer sooner - I forwarded your letter about the check and waited for his answer. He still hasn't. I am sorry you think you didn't think you had earned it because I think it was a good program and everyone enjoyed it. Especially because you were so generous with plants & it was fun watching members get kind of muddy fighting over them. Thanks again, Amna
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