
ITL Nymphaea 'General Pershing'

This waterlily is among the most richly scented of the tropicals, with pink flowers that can attain sizes approaching 10 inches in diameter. The leaves are olive green with fine, purple variegations. Well placed, this is an extremely elegant waterlily. Adapts well to small ponds. Tolerant of mild chills. USDA ZONES 8-11

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More Info

Nymphaea general pershing
  • Flower Shape:
    • Cup shaped
  • Flower Color:
    • Lavender - Pink
  • Flower Size:
    • 8 - 10 inches
  • Leaf Shape:
    • Round with a wavy edge
  • Leaf Coloration:
    • Green with many small purple variegations
  • Leaf Size:
    • Up to 15 inches
  • Leaf Spread:
    • 5 - 6 feet

      This is a very free flowering tropical waterlily that has large lavender or orchid - pink flowers with a deep yellow center and a wonderfully sweet fragrance. This is a wonderful waterlily. The color of the flowers and the mottled leaves are especially lovely as are pleasantly large blooms in relation to the medium sized leaves. This lily will do well in all except the smallest ponds or tub gardens.


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ITL Nymphaea 'General Pershing'

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