More InfoCabomba is a plant which does very well in warm, well lit water. Under the water it produces finely divided, fan shaped, oppositely opposed leaves on a long slender stem. Outdoors, in the summer, or in a brightly lit aqaurium, it produces small, lanceolate leaves on the surface of the water. These are followed by clusters of beautiful small white to lavender flowers. This is an excellent plant for either ponds or aquariums. An outstanding oxygenator.Can be planted in with your waterlilies, lotus or bog plants. Can also be anchored in shallow water (1-2') areas in a sandy substrate. Sorry, but we can't ship this item to Maine, and it is not suitable for use in Koi ponds. **** ReviewsIAP Cabomba caroliniana
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IAP Cabomba caroliniana
I don't have much of this plant but it seems that if it's in an area that isn't shaded by lily leaves it turns the color of straw and dies. The pond is shallow though and that might be the problem. The stems that are well shaded are beautiful but I can only see them when I'm poking around in the water. They don't seem to grow much. My anacharis is doing much better.
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